Engagement of Shelby & Andrew, 27 Jun 09
Shelby was the second Shelby from Maryland to call me in a one week period and book a wedding for 2008. I was glad to finally meet her and Andrew this weekend and take some photos of them around Village Gate Square and the Rochester Museum and Science Center. Fortunately the weather cooperated and gave us a beautiful sunset. While at the RMSC, we overheard a reception or party nearby where the DJ played several Michael Jackson songs (RIP), in tribute to his passing two days prior.
I appreciated Shelby and Andrew's patience while I set up a few shots.. I think it paid off with a couple of creative and different ideas.
introducing Shelby:
And Andrew:
Very cute :)
Love their relaxed playful attitude
This was my wife's idea.. a good one!
A nice simple portrait
Onto the RMSC, which had a nice little garden area in the back:
Then we played with the whispering sound dishes...
And finally some nighttime twilight-esque shots
I'm very much looking forward to shooting their wedding at the Lower Mill later this year.. it's a lovely location for a more intimate type of wedding, well suited for this couple. Thank you both for a great time and enjoy the photos.
-- Andrew