Engagement of Shelby & Matt, 17 Jan 09
Well what can I say? I'm very excited to have something new to post here. My first engagement shoot for 2009, and the first clients to contact me, meet with me and sign with me under my own business (AWelshPhotography.com). I was pretty stoked to be doing a shoot with them at the SU campus (go Orange!). Driving in I was listening to the basketball game and the pasting they gave Notre Dame was a good sign, even if there was a lot of traffic when I showed up. Anyhoo, the session was great... started in a new classroom building on Marshall St, then over to the school of music, then to the student union (the SU SU? heh), a stop at the library then ending on Marshall St for good measure.
And to show what troopers Shelby and Matt are, we shot this in 13 degree weather (that's -10.5 C for non-Americans).
Onto the photos... for starters I love the layers of triangles in this composition:
Sneak in some fun at the library... just wait and see other photographers stealing this idea :)
And a special sign Shelby made...
I will be sure to save the date guys. I am stoked about shooting your wedding at the Welch-Allyn resort!
-- Andrew